
At Hermès Traduction, we are aware that offering high quality services to our customers is not enough to be a good company. We have therefore decided to commit to strong ethical, social, and environmental engagements.

Ethic engagements:
We believe that each company and each customer can be part of making the world a better place.
On that basis, we are fully committed to not working for any company guilty of any kind of discrimination (racism, sexism, LGBT-phobia, ableism, etc.) or accomplice of animal or human abuse. We also pledge not to work for companies destroying the environment on a large scale.

We will also join the French Society of Translation (Société Française de Traduction) as soon as possible. For this reason, we are committed to only translate from our work languages to our native language exclusively.

We also understand that the documents you entrust to us will always remain confidential. We are committed to insure that confidentiality is always maintained, and we will gladly sign or provide legally binding Non-Disclosure Agreements for any sensitive material.

Our environmental commitments:
At Hermès Traduction, we firmly believe that our economic growth should not be achieved at the expense of our biosphere.
We have therefore decided to donate 1% of our annual revenues to environmental NGO every year. On Jan. 3rd 2022, we were able to donate 330 € to France Nature Environnement, for a better and greener future.

We have also taken concrete daily decisions to limit our environmental impact: we favour remote professional meetings, we use eco-friendly modes of transportation when we travel, we will audit the carbon impact of our activities each year to compensate and reduce it at most.

We will also join an eco friendly and ethical bank as soon as possible to reduce our impact on the planet, or better, have a positive impact.

Our social commitments:
We strongly believe that our success should not be done at the expense of other people or companies. We are fully committed to paying our partners like they deserve to be paid and to not using outsourced labour that may be precarious or underpaid.
As for the environment, we understand the social role of companies in fighting poverty and exclusion. Therefore, we will also give another percent of our annual revenue to charities fighting inequality. On Jan. 3rd 2023, we also donated 330 € to Le Secours Populaire, to help those who need it the most.

We are also a member of Translators without Borders to help those in need.